We offer:
- keeping full accounting records (accounting ledgers),
- simplified bookkeeping (revenue and expense ledger; tax card; lump-sum tax).
As part of our bookkeeping and tax services we offer:
- day-to-day keeping of the books with reference to tax settlements, statistical reporting (Central Statistical Office, National Bank of Poland), and statutory financial statements,
- drawing up all the necessary declarations (including corporate and personal income tax forms), calculating real estate tax and tax on civil law transactions,
- calculating income tax advance payments,
- maintaining additional documentation for the settlement of subsidies,
- keeping records of fixed assets and equipment,
- assistance in case of audit and tax control.
We also offer:
- access to an online platform (including access to documents and data, generating reports and analyses, using the budgeting module, and many other useful tools),
- remote access to information in our system,
- electronic approval of documents,
- self-invoicing,
- preparing payment orders in a banking system to be accepted by the client,
- collecting documents from the client,
- archiving the documents.
Moreover, we provide a number of additional services to meet our clients’ non-standard requirements and expectations.
Please contact us for more details.